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Supporters of Ira Lapides, who is on hunger strike over the issue of being allowed to tell
smokers' side of the tobacco issue, will host a "Dr. Lapides and Freedom of Speech"
meeting this Thursday.
The event, which is being held on the same day as the Great American Smoke-out Day,
will be held at 7:30 p.m. at Liman's Restaurant on Highway 321 in Gatlinburg.
Lapides has been on a hunger strike since Nov. 11 and plans to remain on the strike until
he is given an opportunity by the national electronic media to dispute some of the various
claims about the use of tobacco products.
He believes the national electronic media has an anti-smoker agenda and will not allow
the other side to be heard.
"I'm slowly beginning to run out of energy," he said Wednesday. "I will have to go to the
doctor soon to have my kidneys seen about. They are being overworked."
Lapides is drinking water and is taking several vitamins and minerals.
He said he thinks he is taking in about 300 calories a day.
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611 Parkway - D Level
Gatlinburg TN 37738
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